
Top Mistakes Mental Game Coaches Make

Age for mental training

How to Understand Your Athletes’ Needs A mental game coach trying to establish himself recently asked me this question: “What is the number one mistake mental coaches make on the first session with an athlete?” I’ll give two answers to this question today because I think the answer depends on your philosophy about how to do mental coaching… First, I …

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Helping Athletes Apply Mental Game Lessons

How to Help Athletes Apply Mental Game Skills Not all athletes follow the mental coaching lessons you teach them… Today’s tip is based on a question I received from my mental game coach survey and the challenges mental coaches face. Here’s the question: “How do you motivate the athletes you coach to follow through and actually practice what you teach?” …

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MGCP Phases of Mental Coaching

Sports Psychology Certification

One of the advantages of the MGCP course is learning my system for doing mental coaching with athletes and teams. In this mental coach mentor video, I preview the Phases of Mental Coaching. We discuss these in detail in the certification course, but I wanted to give you a sneak peek into some of the things we cover in the …

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Challenges As A Mental Game Coach

Mental Training Commitment

How to Help Athletes Apply Skills If you work with athletes on their mental game, you know most of your clients can understand the mental strategies you teach. But the big question is: Can they apply what they learn to practice and competition? My #1 challenge as a mental coach is helping my athletes apply what they learn to practice …

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What Are the Tools of a Mental Coach?

What are the tools you need to be a successful mental game coach? A potential MGCP candidate asked me the following question: “Do you provide materials in the MGCP course, which we can later use with the athletes we work with (such as assessment material, mental toughness exercises, etc.)?” The short answer is “yes” – this is a huge benefit …

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Engaging Athletes in Mental Training

Mental Coach Certification

How to Introduce Mental Training to Athletes Do sports parents contact you asking how to introduce mental training to their athletes? Parents can recognize that their athletes are under performing due to anxiety, perfectionism, or lack of focus—before their athletes notice it. And parents see the need when their athletes perform much better in practice than competition… But parents are …

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