
Mistakes I’ve Made as a Mental Coach

Mental Skills Coaching

Mental Coaching Mistakes I’ve made many mistakes over the last 20 years as a mental game coaching professional. But, I’ve learned from them… When I started out – in the early 90’s – being a full time mental coach wasn’t a common career path. Most sports psychology professionals taught at a University and consulted with athletes and teams in their …

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Do Athletes Understand the Importance of Mental Training?

Athlete Education on Mental Skills

The Benefits of Mental Training For Athletes How can you help athletes understand the importance of the mental game? This is the topic of today’s tip for mental coaches. A mental coach working with golfers recently asked: “I work in golf and one of the biggest challenges is getting golfers to understand the game is at least 50% mindset. It’s …

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Mental Coach Mentoring Videos Welcome

Sports Psychology Certification

I’m Dr. Patrick Cohn, the creator of the Mental Game Coaching Professional Certification program. The purpose of this area of the website is to help new MGCPs and sports psychology coaches improve their mental coaching skills and learn how to get work with athletes. Here, you can keep up to date with the MGCP course postings. You can also access …

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A Challenge Every Mental Coach Must Overcome

Mental Training Commitment

I can’t believe that it’s been almost 25 years since I started the MGCP certification program in 1993. The course has evolved a lot over the last decade. And it continues to improve as I receive feedback from participants each semester and questions from mental coaches. But one big challenge still remains for all mental game specialists and sports psychologists… …

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One Key Strategy for Sports Psychologists

Adherence to mental training

Mental Game Coaching Tips Okay, there are no ‘tricks’ in helping athletes with the mental game, but this one strategy is pure gold. Athletes often will present a specific a mental game problem, but it might not be the real challenge that’s blocks them from success… My athletes sometimes guess at what’s getting in the way of success because that’s …

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