
Tools to Improve Mental Coach Success

Sports Psychology Workbooks for Mental Coaches Did you know that we have other programs for mental coaches to improve your mental coaching other than the certification course for mental coaches? We’ve pulled out two programs that are normally included in the MGCP certification: (1) “The Athlete’s Mental Edge workbook system” and (2) “AMAP Assessment System.” Both programs are now available …

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Helping Athletes Apply Mental Skills

Age for mental training

Phases of Mental Coaching with Athletes As a mental game coach, your success depends on how well your athletes can apply what you teach them. In this video, I discuss the steps I take from awareness to application. My #1 challenge as a mental coach is helping my athletes apply what they learn to practice and competition. Athletes can usually …

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When Should Athletes Start Mental Training?

Age for mental training

What Age do Athletes Start Mental Training? This is a very common question we receive from parents when they call in to inquire about mental coaching. However, there is not one simple answer because your answer depends on: Typically, we tell parents that most athletes can engage in a one-on-one mental training program if they are 12 and older. However, …

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Why Mental Game Assessments Help

Mental Skills Assessments

AMAP Assessment Works I was surprised to learn one fact from the results of the survey on using assessments in mental coaching… 28 percent of mental coaches reported they still do assessments the old fashioned way: they use interviews only. I have nothing against using interviews for doing mental game assessments with athletes, but I do think there is a …

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Mental Coaching: The First Session

Mental Skills Coaching

Mental Skills Coaching Session Apart from building rapport with your athletes in the first session, where do you start with your athletes? For certified Mental Game Coaching Professionals, the first step is to explain our programs with a potential athlete or parent. We explain the mental coaching process and what’s included in the programs. In some cases with young athletes, …

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