Sports Psychology Certification

Sports psychology certification articles for mental performance coaches and graduates of the MGCP certification program.

Help Athletes To Trust in Their Skills in Competition

Mental Skills Coaching

Athletes Who Train When They Compete Often in our work, athletes get stuck in a training or practice mindset, which means they don’t stop “working” during competition. They train when competing… Why is this a problem when athletes train during competition? The purpose of training is to develop confidence in skills and repetition provides confidence. Competition is a time to …

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5 Reasons Athletes Don’t Do Mental Training

Athletes Who Avoid Mental Training

Mental Coach Survey Says Why do some athletes and coaches not embrace mental training? What can you do as a mental coach to help them adopt mental coaching as part of their regular training? First, here’s what my mental coach survey says about why athletes don’t embrace mental training: 1. They don’t understand how mental training can help (54%) 2. …

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Ken Ravizza on the Importance of Observation

Ken Ravizza

How Observation Helps Mental Coaches I had the pleasure to interview my friend and mentor, Dr. Ken Ravizza a few years ago as we were preparing for the Peaksports bookcamp… I asked him who influenced him the most in his career. Back when Ken started teaching, sports psychology didn’t exit, but he was influenced by authors, such as Eleanor Mathini, …

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Assessing Mental Training Effectiveness

Golf Mental Coaching

Tracking Mental Skills Improvement How do you track your athletes’ improvement and quantifying the effectiveness of mental training? One problem with mental coaching is measuring the effectiveness of your programs with your athletes… You have to rely on self-reports from athletes unless you can use some solid statistical evidence for improvement. A problem with self-reports is that they’re not always …

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4 Tips to Help Athletes Stay Committed to Mental Training

Mental Training Commitment

Help Athletes Commit to Mental Training One of the keys to success for any coach, particularly a mental coach, is the ability to help athletes stay committed to their training. Factors That Hurt Commitment for Athletes 4 Ways to Help your Athletes Stay Committed Learn A Mental Training System Your Athletes Will Stay Committed To: With the right system, your …

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