Common Questions about the MGCP course

Sports Psychologist Certification

Please browse the following questions and answers about the MGCP certification program for sports psychology professionals. If you don’t find the answer to your question, please contact us for more information about the course.

What is the MGCP Certification program?

MGCP stands for Mental Game Coaching Professional. The MGCP program is a certification program to teach coaches, therapists, and sport psychologists-in-training a systematic approach to mental game coaching with athletes and teams. The program is based on Dr. Cohn’s research with athletes, sports psychology education, and over 20 years of experience in working with athletes and teams as a mental game coach. Learn more about the MGCP program.

Who can participate in the MGCP program?

The MGCP program is designed for coaches, teachers, therapists, and sports psychologists-in-training. Applicants for the MGCP must qualify for the program. Ideal MGCP candidates should have: 5 years or more of combined experience as a competitive athlete, coach, or trainer in your sport of expertise; or a Ph.D. in psychology or a Masters degree in counseling psychology. In addition, you need to have solid communication skills. When you are ready to apply, complete an application online.

I’m currently a coach, but don’t need the MGCP certification. I would like to have access to the mental game coaching tools provided in the program. Do I have any other options?

Yes. You can learn many of the mental game coaching techniques and gain access to Dr. Cohn’s AMAP assessments, worksheets, session summaries and more by taking the self-paced, non-certification program. You can learn more about the non-certification program or apply online.

What are Dr. Cohn’s qualifications to certify me?

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. earned a Ph.D. in Education specializing in sports psychology and counseling from the University of Virginia. He has been an athlete his entire life in several sports and coached intramural sports as a graduate assistant. Dr. Cohn has been a mental coach to amateur and professional athletes for 35+ years. He’s taught the MGCP course to coaches and therapists for 17+ years. You can read more about Dr. Cohn’s extensive list of qualifications and credentials by visiting Peak Performance Sports.

After I successfully complete the program, what will the MGCP certification allow me to do with teams and athletes?

By the end of the program, (provided you have completed all requirements for graduation including passing the certification exam), you will receive a certification from Peak Performance Sports as a certified Mental Game Coaching Professional. Certification enables you to use the MGCP title and insignia and earn a listing on as a certified MGCP. The goal is for you to be able to work one-on-one with athletes and conduct team seminars on mental training for sports with confidence and the knowledge of a professional in the field. Find out more about what you get with the MGCP program.

What is the course work and time commitment of the MGCP certification program?

The course takes approximately 10 to 12 weeks, meeting once a week for two hours by video conference. Most of your course work happens outside of class because there will be 60 or more hours (over the 10 week program) of homework assignments, which include athlete mental game assessments, 20 case studies, outside reading assignments, athlete case study work, and application of mental game coaching skills while you work with athletes in your local community.

Can I get education credits for participation or do any other organizations recognize the MGCP certification?

We are working diligently on gaining accreditation from various organizations including state school boards and distance learning Universities. Members of the PGA of America, LPGA, National High School Coaches Association, and the National Tennis Registry can earn CE credits. Please visit the MGCP endorsements page for up to date information on organizations that accept the MGCP program for CE credits. We can contact your local school board or governing organization for us to research if you can earn education credits for your participation in the MGCP program. Please contact us.

Are there any other programs which train professionals in mental game coaching or offer a certification program?

Other copy-cat program offer certification courses from less money. The MGCP certification program is the original mental coaching certification program that allows qualified candidates to become trained in mental coaching without completing a Ph.D. in psychology or sports psychology. The other option is to contact AASP and ask about their “certified consultant” program or contact APA Division 47 for any programs they may offer.

After I receive my MGCP certification can I call myself a Sports Psychologist?

No. You must earn a doctorate degree in clinical psychology by using traditional educational methods and get licensed by of your state’s psychology governing board. You can call yourself a “Mental Coach”, “Mental Game Coaching Professional”, “Mental Performance Expert”, or “Mental Training Expert.”

Will I gain access to Dr. Cohn or additional resources after the program?

Yes, you become a member of the Peak Performance Sports community (Valued at over $395/year). Through the membership area, Dr. Cohn will be available to answer your questions about mental coaching and help you with any challenges you are facing. In addition, you will be listed on web site and be eligible to receive referrals from us regarding athletes and coaches who are seeking a mental game coach in your area. For additional training after the MGCP program, you can also enroll in Dr. Cohn’s mental game coach mentoring and mastermind group.

What happens after I earn my MGCP certification?

As a coach, you will be ready to implement mental skills program to help your athletes or team reach peak performance. It’s up to you if you decide to start your own consulting company and exclusively work as a mental game coach.

Do you offer any lead or referral programs?

Yes. We receive many requests from athletes every day who are looking for qualified mental game coaches. Upon successful completion of the MGCP program, you will be eligible to begin receiving leads for athletes in your geographic area.

Do you have other programs for mental game coaches after I become certified?

You are eligible to enroll in Dr. Cohn’s exclusive Mastermind Program for Mental Coaches. Your learn how to build your business as a mental coach, how to gain credibility with athletes, and how to get more work with athletes using the same strategies and tools that have helped Dr. Cohn. We do have a section in the MGCP course on these topics as well.

How much income can I expect to make as a mental game coaching professional?

The average mental game coach or sports psychologist makes anywhere between $90 and $250 per hour. The hourly income will vary depending on your geographic area and experience in mental game coaching. Your income potential will also vary based on your ability to make contact with athletes, coaches in need of mental game coaching and how you structure your programs. For more information, check out the Mental Game Coaching Professional Blog.

Please contact us if you have any other questions by calling 888-742-7225 or emailing us at Peak Performance Sports.


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