Mental Skills Coaching Session
Apart from building rapport with your athletes in the first session, where do you start with your athletes?
For certified Mental Game Coaching Professionals, the first step is to explain our programs with a potential athlete or parent. We explain the mental coaching process and what’s included in the programs.
In some cases with young athletes, we schedule a free 15-minute session with the athlete to make sure it’s a good fit and he/she is committed to mental coaching.
Once we get commitment from the athlete or parent, we schedule the first session. We email the athlete or parent our AMAP assessment and athlete forms to complete.
All athletes complete an AMAP Assessment before the first session so we can evaluate their mental game. Prior to the first meeting we will also get parents or coaches input about their athlete.
During the first session, we discuss the athlete’s background, experience, and top challenges. We use the AMAP to ask follow up questions. We’ll also preview what we will be doing in the sessions and beyond.
Mental Game Coaching Professionals use the AMAP Assessment as a guide for discovering the athlete’s biggest mental game challenges.
The AMAP has several purposes beyond its use as an assessment tool which includes:
- Evaluation and assessment.
- A starting place for mental coaching.
- To help you improve your organization.
- A guide for the mental coach in the follow up interview.
- Help athletes think about their mental game.
The first part of the session is building rapport and the second part is using the AMAP Assessment System to guide the interview.
In most cases, I’ll start coaching the first mental skill at the end of the first session–if time allows…
If you want to learn how to use the AMAP Assessment System and my entire coaching process with athletes, join the spring session of the MGCP certification program….
If you haven’t done so you can click on the link to fill out an application.
Related Mental Coaching Articles:
- My System for Doing Mental Coaching with Athletes
- MGCP Phases of Mental Coaching
- A Proven Mental Coaching System
Apply To Be In The MGCP Program!
Upon acceptance into the Mental Game Coaching Professional (MGCP) program, you’ll be given assess to the MGCP documents and to the peaksportsnetwork.com membership web site, start dates and times of each video conference, and how to access the video conference.
The MGCP video conference certification program is taught by video conference over a period of 10 weeks, meeting for two hours each week, but the course can take up to 12 weeks to complete (due to holidays and such).
By the end of the certification program (provided you have completed all requirements for graduation), you will receive a certification from Peak Performance Sports, LLC as a certified Mental Game Coaching Professional!
Have questions about the MGCP program? Read our FAQ. Find out what is included in the MGCP program. Call 888-742-7225 or email us at Peak Performance Sports