Certification Articles

Sports psychology certification details about ASAP certification and the MGCP certification program

5 Reasons Athletes Don’t Do Mental Training

Athletes Who Avoid Mental Training

Mental Coach Survey Says Why do some athletes and coaches not embrace mental training? What can you do as a mental coach to help them adopt mental coaching as part of their regular training? First, here’s what my mental coach survey says about why athletes don’t embrace mental training: 1. They don’t understand how mental training can help (54%) 2. …

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Can You Make a Living as a Mental Game Coach?

Sports Psychology Certification

Are you uncertain if you can make a career as a mental game coach or sports psychology expert to athletes? Dr. Patrick Cohn, creator of the MGCP certification program, teaches you the secrets you need to know about become a successful mental game coaching professional and growing your business or practice. Learn how to boost your credibility and gain more …

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How Do I Gain Credibility as a Sports Psychologist?

Sports Psychology Certification

In this Mental Coach video, Dr. Cohn answers the question: “How do I gain credibility as a sports psychologist or mental game coaching professional?” Many mental coaches ask this important question just after finishing their MGCP certification or completing graduate school in applied sports psychology. Credibility is also important for established professionals in sports psychology. Boosting your credibility depends on …

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Ken Ravizza on Gaining Credibility and Access to Teams

Ken Ravizza

How to Improve Credibility As a Mental Coach I just finished reviewing a video of Ken Ravizza speaking at the 2017 AASP conference on gaining entry with teams… Ken said that you must know the culture and history of the team. Is it a winning team? Do they have a losing history? Have there been a lot of coaching changes? …

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How to Get Ranked on Google

Sports Psychology Certification

This Mental Coach Mentoring video is a case study of one of my new websites at www.sportspsychologytennis.com and a preview of my new mastermind program “Business Building Secrets for Mental Game Coaches.” Learn how to get your website listed on the first page of Google based on this recent case study. Enroll today to learn all my secrets to website promotion, getting …

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Learn From Mistakes I Made

Sports Psychology Certification

In this Mental Coach Mentoring video, Dr. Cohn answers the question: “Does advertising your mental coaching service help you get students?” This is the common question from newly certified MGCPs after taking the Mental Game Coaching Certification (MGCP) Program. Should you advertise your services to athletes and coaches?