Ken Ravizza

Articles about Dr. Ken Ravizza and his career and work with athletes. Ken Ravizza was a mentor to Dr. Cohn

Ken Ravizza on the Importance of Observation

Ken Ravizza

How Observation Helps Mental Coaches I had the pleasure to interview my friend and mentor, Dr. Ken Ravizza a few years ago as we were preparing for the Peaksports bookcamp… I asked him who influenced him the most in his career. Back when Ken started teaching, sports psychology didn’t exit, but he was influenced by authors, such as Eleanor Mathini, …

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Is Lack of Consistency a Focus Problem?

Certified Mental Coach

Helping Athletes Improve Consistency A current MGCP student asked the following question: “When an athlete says he lacks consistency in his game, do you investigate this by drilling down to find out more or assume it must be due to a focus/concentration issue?” When athletes perform inconsistently, it’s not always due to a lack of focus. However, coaches and parents …

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Ken Ravizza on Gaining Credibility and Access to Teams

Ken Ravizza

How to Improve Credibility As a Mental Coach I just finished reviewing a video of Ken Ravizza speaking at the 2017 AASP conference on gaining entry with teams… Ken said that you must know the culture and history of the team. Is it a winning team? Do they have a losing history? Have there been a lot of coaching changes? …

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