Mental Coach Success

Dr. Cohn explains his proven system for doing mental coaching with athletes and explains how you can make use of his tools and stragegies

My System for Doing Mental Coaching with Athletes

Mental Performance Coach Certification

Sports Psychology Careers Do you want to do mental coaching with athletes? As a trainer, coach or psychologist, it is important to have a strategy for implementing mental training with your athletes. In this Careers in Sports Psychology video, Dr. Cohn explains his proven system for doing mental coaching with athletes and explains how you can make use of his …

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Challenges As A Mental Game Coach

Mental Training Commitment

How to Help Athletes Apply Skills If you work with athletes on their mental game, you know most of your clients can understand the mental strategies you teach. But the big question is: Can they apply what they learn to practice and competition? My #1 challenge as a mental coach is helping my athletes apply what they learn to practice …

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How To Be A Successful Mental Coach

How to Be a Good Mental Coach

Four Phases Of Mental Training Starting a career as a mental coach, the first golfer I worked with said the following about the problems with improving his mental game: “When you have a problem with the swing, I can go the range and work on drills to improve my swing. But if I have a problem with my mental game, …

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Tools to Improve Mental Coach Success

Sports Psychology Workbooks for Mental Coaches Did you know that we have other programs for mental coaches to improve your mental coaching other than the certification course for mental coaches? We’ve pulled out two programs that are normally included in the MGCP certification: (1) “The Athlete’s Mental Edge workbook system” and (2) “AMAP Assessment System.” Both programs are now available …

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Helping Athletes Apply Mental Skills

Age for mental training

Phases of Mental Coaching with Athletes As a mental game coach, your success depends on how well your athletes can apply what you teach them. In this video, I discuss the steps I take from awareness to application. My #1 challenge as a mental coach is helping my athletes apply what they learn to practice and competition. Athletes can usually …

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Helping Athletes Adhere to Mental Training

Athlete Education on Mental Skills

Commitment to Mental Coaching To help your athletes succeed with mental training, they must both remember and apply what you teach them from your live sessions. We like to give athletes tasks or assignments to complete between lessons to accelerate and reinforce learning… The objective is to provide a means to reinforce the mental coaching lessons you teach. Providing athletes …

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