Mental Game Coaching Professional

Mental coach Dr. Patrick Cohn shares his experience in the field of applied sports psychology. How do you understand athletes’ mental game

One Way to Have Credibility as a Mental Game Coach

Sports Psychology Certification

Sports Psychology Careers How do you gain credibility as a mental coach in a sport? Do you have to know the sport your working in to be a successful mental coach, mental training expert, or sports psychologist for athletes? Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn shares his experience in the field of applied sports psychology. How do you understand the sport …

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MGCP Phases of Mental Coaching

Sports Psychology Certification

Mental Performance Coaching Phases One of the advantages of the MGCP course is learning my system for doing mental coaching with athletes and teams. In this mental coach mentor video, I preview the Phases of Mental Coaching. We discuss these in detail in the certification course, but I wanted to give you a sneak peek into some of the things …

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What Are the Tools of a Mental Coach?

What are the tools you need to be a successful mental game coach? A potential MGCP candidate asked me the following question: “Do you provide materials in the MGCP course, which we can later use with the athletes we work with (such as assessment material, mental toughness exercises, etc.)?” The short answer is “yes” – this is a huge benefit …

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How To Be A Successful Mental Coach

How to Be a Good Mental Coach

Four Phases Of Mental Training Starting a career as a mental coach, the first golfer I worked with said the following about the problems with improving his mental game: “When you have a problem with the swing, I can go the range and work on drills to improve my swing. But if I have a problem with my mental game, …

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