The AMAP Assessment System

Learn how to do mental game assessments with athletes in the MGCP sport psychology certification, program for coaches, therapist and psychologists

Assessing Mental Training Effectiveness

Golf Mental Coaching

Tracking Mental Skills Improvement How do you track your athletes’ improvement and quantifying the effectiveness of mental training? One problem with mental coaching is measuring the effectiveness of your programs with your athletes… You have to rely on self-reports from athletes unless you can use some solid statistical evidence for improvement. A problem with self-reports is that they’re not always …

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Athlete’s Mental Aptitude Profile Mental Game Assessment

Certified Mental Coach

How The Assessment System Helps Mental Coaches I’ve received several questions about the AMAP assessment program for mental coaches… Today, I’d like to answer a few questions. Here they are: 1. “I only work with basketball players and I see there are numerous topics in the AMAP that are not about basketball. Can I use the AMAP for basketball players?” …

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Team Mental Game Assessments

How to Be a Good Mental Coach

Mental Toughness Tests for Teams What accommodations do you have to make to do team mental game assessments? This is a common question I receive during the MGCP sessions. When working with teams, you have to approach mental game assessments differently compared to working with a single athlete. We use the AMAP Assessment System for working with individual athletes. In …

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Why Mental Game Assessments Help

Mental Skills Assessments

AMAP Assessment Works I was surprised to learn one fact from the results of the survey on using assessments in mental coaching… 28 percent of mental coaches reported they still do assessments the old fashioned way: they use interviews only. I have nothing against using interviews for doing mental game assessments with athletes, but I do think there is a …

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